January 23, 2025
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Childhood obesity trends are horrifying. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have noted that in the 70’s childhood obesity rates were less than 6% while studies done today are showing a trend upwards of around 20%. In other words, in a single classroom, instead of there being just one child picked on for being overweight, we now have two or three kids. When considering the fact that childhood obesity leads to serious health consequences, one starts to wonder why it is steadily increasing and what is being done to slow it down.

In recognition of California’s growing obesity epidemic, competing environmental forces and fragmented efforts, the

legislature mandated that California Department of Health Services (CDHS) create this strategic plan to guide a statewide

response to this crisis. (Budget Act of 2005, SB 77, Item #4260.001.0001, Provision 7)


After a number of years of encouraging people to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, surprising research from the UK is now warning that too much fibre and too little fat for toddlers is not healthy.

Based on observations of more than 4,000 infants, researchers in an NIH newborn research network have identified several factors that influence an extremely low birth weight infant's chances for survival and disability. The findings offer new information to physicians and families considering the most appropriate treatment options for this category of infants

Children with migraine are more likely to have sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and lack of sleep, than children without migraine, according to research on the effects of headaches on children's sleep patterns that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 12-19, 2008