January 23, 2025
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California Health Insurance covers for expenses incurred for diagnosis and treatment of covered medical conditions. California has many different types of Health Insurance plans available.  It is important that you choose a plan that is right for you.  If you have a choice, it is important to choose the plan that best fits your specific needs, budget, and lifestyle. Also, make sure that you are aware of the state or federal agency that regulates the type of health care plan you purchase in case you experience questions or problems. Each of the different ways of receiving health care services has advantages and disadvantages. It is in your best interest to become familiar with the different types of individual Health Insurance, so you know what may be available to you. 

Indemnity Policies-California Heal (Traditional Fee-for-Service Insurance)
The majority of indemnity policies let you to select any doctor and hospital that you wish when seeking health care services. The hallmark of traditional fee-for-service insurance is choice. You are given the choice of what provider to visit when seeking covered medical services with few geographic limitations. When purchasing an indemnity policy, you may often have a deductible. The deductible is the amount you must pay before policy benefits are given. 
You can choose the amount you would like to pay for your deductible. Once the deductible has been paid, the remaining charges are reimbursed to you at a specified percentage determined by the policy contract. The difference between eligible charges and the percentage paid is called a “co-payment,” and is normally your responsibility. The policy or an employee benefit booklet (if your indemnity policy is group coverage) will spell out the terms and conditions of what is covered and what is not covered. Read your policy or benefit booklet before you need health care services and ask your Health Insurance agent, insurance company, or employer to explain anything that is unclear.
The California Department of Insurance (CDI) regulates indemnity policies. If you have an individual or group Health Insurance policy that is a traditional fee-for-service policy issued by a CDI licensed Health Insurance Company, then you may contact the CDI for assistance. Since jurisdiction is divided between state and federal agencies, it can be confusing to determine who regulates your health care coverage. The CDI is always available to assist consumers with health care questions or to direct consumers to the correct agency for assistance.

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